Why haven’t I received my tag yet?

First, click here to see your Delivery Day.

If your Delivery Day hasn't ended, your order is most likely still pending completion. Once your order is complete, I’ll send you an email with a link to download your tag files. Keep an eye on your inbox!

If your Delivery Day has passed and you still haven’t received your order, there are two probable causes:

  1. SPAM: Check your spam folder in your email client to make sure the delivery email did not get classified as spam. Also, check your "Promotions" tab if you use Gmail.

  2. Overwhelm: A delay may be due to an excess of orders that are pending completion. If that is the case, I'm sorry about the traffic jam! I'm most likely working on your tag at this very moment.

If your Delivery Day has passed, please contact me to find out what is causing the delay for your order:

WhatsApp - start chat
Instagram - @krissliss


When will my tag be delivered?


I don’t have a tag phrase yet. Can I still order?